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20 Must-Know​ Jenga Tips – Become the Best You Can Be!

Last Updated on January 7, 2024 by Gamesver Team and JC Franco

Young people playing a game
AboutLife /

The game of Jenga is highly popular and can be played by anyone from ages six through sixty (and beyond)! It is a classic ‘block-stacking, block-crashing’ game that involves both physical and mental skills to win! Right now, you may be wondering to yourself, “Are there any tips or tricks to winning the game of Jenga?” Well, let’s find out!

There are several tips to winning on Jenga. These will give you an edge over your opponents and increase your odds of winning every time! These tips are based on technique, strategy, and the laws of physics. Practice, practice, practice is the key!

Now, let’s explore these in more detail below. If you master them, you should be unbeatable! So, if you are ready to learn all you need to know about winning in Jenga, then please continue reading…

These are 20 Jenga tips you need to know.

1. Push (don’t pull) the blocks.

When you pull the blocks out, you disturb the balance of the tower. If you push (or very gently tap) them out, however, the stability of the structure remains intact. Do this every time you remove a block, if possible, to keep the foundation solid.

2. Remove the center blocks first.

By taking blocks from the center instead of the sides, the tower stays balanced. Removing blocks from the side causes the structure to weaken. Take as many blocks from the center as you can, forcing your opponents to take the side pieces. This is Jenga strategy at work!

woman having fun playing Jenga at the coffee shop
iChzigo /

3. Move blocks from the sides to the center.

When all center blocks have been removed, tap the side blocks toward the center to maintain stability and keep the tower balanced. Once the block is in the middle, take the block you used to tap it into place.

4. From left to right and vice versa.

When you remove a block from the left, place it on top of the tower to the right. Same goes for blocks removed from the right, put them on top to the left. This is key to keeping the structure intact.

5. Remove the ‘thickest’ blocks last.

Jenga blocks are not all the same! Some blocks are slightly thicker and/or heavier than others. These should be removed last, as they are more likely to hold the weight of the tower better than the thinner, lighter blocks.

6. Use your left hand (if you are right-handed) and vice versa.

Play Jenga with your non-dominant hand! The rules state that you can only use one hand at a time; therefore, simultaneous use of both hands is prohibited! By alternating hands, you not only develop manual dexterity but also increase the likelihood of maintaining the structure’s stability.

7. Focus on just one move at a time.

tower is a fun and addictive game
Aboutsung /

Don’t think too far ahead! Strategy will only get you to a point! No matter what ‘plan of attack’ you have devised, chances are you will be forced to revise it, based on the individual moves of your opponent.

8. Go slow, take your time.

There is no time constraint associated with Jenga, so take your time and plan your next move wisely. Do not take too long, however, as you do not want to give your opponent too much time to strategize his or her next move.

9. Do not plan for ‘multiple moves.’

The game of Jenga is often one of chance and circumstance. You cannot ‘plan’ your next move any more than you can predict what your opponent will do! You need to be willing and able to counteract any move at any given time, ‘on the fly.’

10. Stay focussed.

It is important not to get distracted while playing Jenga. Focus on the game at hand, not on the time, the television or anything in the background that may through you off your game. Pay attention, not only to your next move but also to your opponent’s.

11. Use strategy whenever possible.

Try to through your opponent off his or her game! Make him/her laugh while trying to remove a difficult block, tease him/her about the possibility of the tower crumbling at any minute, draw his/her attention to what’s going on in the background. It’s called strategy, baby! Use it to your advantage.

Leisure activity jenga
Pressmaster /

12. Always test the tower.

At each turn, test the tower before choosing a block to remove. Gently tap blocks with your finger to see which are ‘loose’ and take those first. Leave ‘tight’ or stubborn blocks in place as these are more likely to topple the tower if disturbed.

13. Do not get caught up in building the tallest tower.

The object of the game is to maintain the stability of the tower, not to build the highest structure! Making sure the foundation does not weaken (and thus crumble) is how you win the game. The higher it gets, the more likely it will fall! Don’t let it fall or you’ll lose…guaranteed!

14. Use your forearm – yes, it’s allowed!

The rules of Jenga state that you can only use one hand at a time. That does not mean that you can’t use your forearm as a brace to balance the tower. Use this strategy to your advantage whenever possible.

15. Take blocks closer to the top.

The only restriction for removing blocks is that you can’t take any from the top two rows. All other levels are fair game. Therefore, chose blocks closer to the top. This will help keep the tower intact by maintaining the foundation.

Jenga, the tower stack from wooden blocks
Montri Thipsorn /

16. Develop your sense of symmetry.

The key to winning Jenga is to remove your block without the tower falling while at the same time making it more unstable for your opponent’s next move. If you notice the left side of the tower is leaning, then take from the right side.

17. Use the ‘door’ method.

To remove a tight block, try the ‘door method’ which involves ‘swinging’ the block open and then ‘closing’ it again to loosen it up and move it to closer to the edge. This will make it easier to remove.

18. Use the ‘index finger and nail support’ method.

After using the ‘door method,’ remove a stubborn block by holding it with your thumb and ring finger while using your index finger and nail to support it.

19. Develop your hand-eye coordination.

A steady hand, strong fingers, and precision are essential when playing Jenga. Hand-eye coordination is necessary as the game relies on physical skill to win! Try sharpening this skill by throwing a tennis ball at the wall and catching it with one hand, and then the other. This will also improve manual dexterity, another important Jenga skill.

20. Practice, practice, practice.

Getting good at removing blocks without the tower falling is all about practice. The more you play, the better you become. Play on your own to develop your skills and practice the aforementioned points. After approximately one hundred hours, you should become a Jenga master!

building wooden bricks jenga
Rido /

All in all,

And there you have it! Twenty tips and tricks to succeed at the game of Jenga. After approximately forty hours of play, you will be well on your way to winning every time. One hundred hours of practice should make you a Jenga master! Follow the points listed above, and you will be unbeatable! Now, all you need to do is set-up the blocks and begin…good luck, future Jenga master!

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This article was co-authored by our team of in-house and freelance writers, and reviewed by our editors, who enjoy sharing their knowledge about their favorite games with others!

JC Franco
Editor | + posts

JC Franco serves as a New York-based editor for Gamesver. His interest for board games centers around chess, a pursuit he began in elementary school at the age of 9. Holding a Bachelor’s degree in Business from Mercyhurst University, JC brings a blend of business acumen and creative insight to his role. Beyond his editorial endeavors, he is a certified USPTA professional, imparting his knowledge in tennis to enthusiasts across the New York City Metropolitan area.